Flammable safety cabinets are indispensable tools in protecting against liquid fires that could threaten equipment and cost businesses significant money. But it can be challenging choosing the appropriate flammable storage cabinet for your business needs. Here are a few things to keep in mind when making this important decision.
This article will focus on key considerations such as capacity, safety features, compliance and durability.
Safety Features

Flammable storage cabinets help minimize the risks posed by flammable chemicals to people and property. They identify and label these substances, keep them organized and separate, and offer extra security against accidental exposure or theft.
However, they should not be used to store incompatible chemicals like oxidizers and highly toxic substances such as acids or compressed gases – these should be stored in a hazardous materials safety cabinet designed specifically for them.
Liable storage cabinets are designed with doors that close and latch shut, preventing unauthorised access to the chemicals stored within. Some models also accept padlocks to provide added protection from theft or tampering.
Furthermore, these flammable cabinets feature internal temperature-limiting features to help limit flame spread when exposed to fire – giving workers and firefighters additional time to safely evacuate or enter to begin fighting the blaze before fueling additional flames themselves. Furthermore, internal construction and material type play an integral role when choosing an appropriate cabinet.
Flammable liquids can easily ignite when exposed to open flame or static electricity, potentially igniting fires and explosions that damage property and endanger lives. To safeguard flammables from potential hazards and avoid costly accidents, store them in safety cabinets.
Flammable storage cabinets are specially designed to safely house 30- and 55-gallon drums of hazardous chemicals, equipped with leakproof sump tanks that contain spills. Furthermore, these units feature either manual or self-closing doors (bi-fold available) that close after melting of their fusible link at 165 degrees and latch automatically upon shutting themselves, indexing, indexing and latching when unattended containers remain open after dispensing or collection processes have concluded. Many states require these cabinets with self-closing doors as it helps stop fire spread after containers remain left open following dispensing or collection processes have completed.
Some flammable cabinets are FM approved, which means they meet OSHA and NFPA 30 standards for storage and protection in laboratories, warehouses and industrial settings. These cabinets prioritize optimal security and efficient work processes with features such as spill trays, removable shelves and pull-out drawers for dispensing.
Many are painted a high visibility yellow hue to increase worker and first responder awareness during emergencies.
Storage Capacity

Flammable liquids are widely used in workplace environments, yet these potentially volatile materials pose severe threats to people and property if improperly stored. Safety cabinets help ensure these volatile substances are stored away from any ignition sources like heat, sparks or flames to reduce fire risks and ensure everyone remains safe.
Cabinets also protect combustible chemicals from explosions and fire by stopping their spread. Their 10-minute fire buffer allows staff and emergency responders to activate alarms/systems/contact emergency services/evacuate the area quickly.
Safety cabinets must protect chemicals stored within them from being accessible by unauthorised personnel, which is why they feature durable self-latching doors with durable latching mechanisms to avoid accidental opening. Additional layers of security may include built-in cylinder locks or key lock systems as required by your organisation and handles designed to accept extra padlock systems if desired. These safety features help minimise risks related to unauthorized access while mitigating potential chemical spills.
Your facility may require that you follow specific regulations regarding the storage of flammable substances.
Check with your local authority having jurisdiction to see whether a fire marshal has any say over how many cabinets, where they should be located or how far apart they must be spaced out.
Flammable safety cabinets are designed to prevent flammable chemicals from contaminating other areas of your facility and increasing risks in the workplace, by keeping their temperature constant while segregating incompatible chemicals to reduce toxic explosion risks.
Many cabinets feature self-closing doors to reduce the risk of accidentally leaving them open, lockable handles that ensure only authorized users gain entry, a spill containment sump that collects chemical drips and leaks, adjustable feet for better ventilation and corrosion reduction, or have 4in clearance for storage of 55 gallon drums.
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