Digital marketing strategies are used by virtually every business because they’re the most effective type of advertising. There are several types of digital marketing (marketing done online), but not every type of digital marketing strategy may work for every type of company. For example, affiliate marketing works great for lifestyle brands, but not necessarily for restoration companies.
1- Content Marketing
Content marketing, as the name suggests, is the process of using content to advertise to your target audience, and it goes hand in hand with email marketing and social media marketing. Email marketing is used to communicate with your customers to promote discounts, confirm appointments, and share content. Social media marketing allows you to share your content with your followers on any of the following social platforms:

- YouTube
- Snapchat
Even if you don’t use social media for personal reasons, it’s a good idea to create social media accounts for your business. This will allow you to communicate with both current and potential customers, as well as advertise to bring in more business. Being present on more than one platform will also allow you to create and advertise different types of content.
2- Audio and Visual Content

Audio and visual content are becoming increasingly popular these days with platforms like Spotify (for music and podcasts) and YouTube (videos) gaining new users daily. YouTube is a great platform for both long and short videos, while TikTok and Instagram are better for shorter videos. You can also use traditional forms of audio and visual content, such as radio and TV ads.
3- Infographics and Photos
Pictures are the most common type of shared content, and there are many different types of picture content you can use for marketing. Infographics are being used more in marketing because they’re a straight-to-the-point visual representation of what you’re trying to market. You can also hire a professional designer to create animated videos and graphics for advertising or a professional photographer to take pictures of your work to showcase to your audience. Almost every social media platform will allow you to post pictures of any type to market to your audience.
4- Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (abbreviated as SEO) is one of the most genius types of digital marketing that can work for any type of company, including restoration companies. Restoration SEO services will get your website to rank higher in search engines and will increase the amount of organic traffic. With that being said, the first thing you need in order for this to work is a website for your business. Even though you probably only serve your local community with your restoration service, you’ll still be able to reach more people with your website.
Your website should include:
- Your company name and logo
- Pictures of your work
- Reviews from past customers
- An “about” page and “frequently asked questions” page
- Your email address and physical address
- Hours of operation
- A phone number and your social media handles
It’s also a good idea to include a blog on your website because that can also help with SEO. Certain keywords and phrases used on your blog will get your website to rank higher in search engines. Your blog should be about topics relevant to the restoration industry, and you can hire professional writers to do this for you. You can also write guest posts on other websites linking back to your website (known as off-page SEO) to optimize your website.
5- Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC is another digital marketing strategy that gets your website into the top slots on Google and other search engines. However, you’ll be required to pay every time someone clicks on your link, as the name of this method suggests— and there’s no guarantee that the clicker will hire your services. Also, this method isn’t considered organic since you’re paying for the top slots, rather than optimizing your website to appear in the top slots. This is still a viable option, although businesses typically have much better results (and end up paying less money) when using SEO.
The great thing about content marketing and SEO marketing is that they work very well together. Your website includes tons of content, such as pictures and maybe even videos of your work. Having a blog (written content) can also capture the attention of your market and convince them to use your services.
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